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Reliability, quality, safety and high technology are behind the success of the Comedil "Flat Top" cranes.

The range of the big "Flat Tops", going from 330 to 560 t/m and jib ranges up to 85 m, is designed thinking of the future, a product with modular and interchangeable tower and boom elements.

Although we are talking about big cranes here, all the elements are suitable for road and container transport.

The lack of tie rods (boom side) makes for a quick and safe assembly with very little lifting needed, reduced overhead dimensions, (excellent for use in airports or on worksites where more than one crane is being used and where there are interfering work areas).

These are the main reasons behind the success of the "Flat Top" cranes in the world and of the universal appreciation shown to Comedil products by the market.



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Our address: 585 Curtin Avenue East, P.O. Box 1396, Eagle Farm, QLD 4009, Australia.
Phone: +61 7 3868 9600. Fax: +61 7 3268 2489. E-Mail:We welcome comments and questions about our web site. Responsible person of this Web Site: General Manager Danny Black.